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Adaptify Essentials SEO CourseConnecting Google Search ConsoleSetting Up One-Click Integration and Auto-publishingSettings DashboardImages DashboardKeyword Strategy DashboardDrafting ContentPublishing ContentSetting up a Backlink BioGetting the Most out of Your Backlink DashboardMaking the Most of Your Performance Dashboard and Auto-indexingSetting Up White Label Reporting and Accessing Your Client PortalGuides
Backlink ProfileSearch ConsoleArticle FeedbackAI contentPost ImagesSite SettingsAutomated ContentIndexing on GoogleAdding WebsitesTeam AccessSocial SnippetsChanging Published DatesAdding SourcesAdaptify Essentials 8: Setting up a Backlink Bio
Welcome to another Adaptify Essentials! This video is the first of a two-part series on PR backlink building and setting up your backlink bio.
Automated PR Backlink Building:
- Accessing the Dashboard:
- Navigate to Automated PR Backlink Building on your configuration checklist to reach your PR Backlink Dashboard.
- Initially, you will need to set up your backlink profile.
- Creating a Backlink Profile:
- Author Information: Provide the name of the author who will be credited for the backlink quote, ideally someone with a LinkedIn profile and a headshot. These are crucial for journalist verification.
- Backlink Bio: Create a bio that highlights unique aspects of the author, such as awards, achievements, and credentials. This bio acts like a resume for the AI to use when sending pitches.
- Choosing PR Outreach Topics:
- The AI will suggest around 10-20 topics based on your website's URL and the bio.
- You can keep the suggested topics or edit them. Aim to maintain at least 12-13 topics, including high success rate topics that receive many journalist queries.
- New categories with no data might still be valuable, so consider adding them.
Once your profile and topics are set, Adaptify takes over and starts sending your PR backlink pitches.
For any help, contact support@adaptify.ai.
0:00 Welcome to Adaptify Essentials. This is the first of a two-part video series focusing all on PR backlink building and setting up your backlink bio. 0:11 So let's jump right into it. First up, automating your PR backlink building is going to be the fourth thing on your configuration checklist. 0:18 To get started, you're going to want to on Automated PR Backlink Building. This is going to take you to your PR Backlink Dashboard. 0:27 When you first start, there really won't be anything here, so you're going to want to go to Backlink Settings. From here, we're going to build your backlink profile. 0:37 I want to take just a quick second to explain what a PR Backlink is. And why it is important that you fill out everything in the backlink profile. 0:46 A PR Backlink is a backlink that we get to you from a journalist. So this is going to be somebody who's writing for an online magazine, blog, or newspaper. 0:55 These journalists ask queries to places like Haro, Connectively, and B2B Reader. those queries or questions them and get you that coveted PR backlink or quote inside their articles. 1:18 So now that you know a little bit on what we're doing, let's jump into how we get them for you. 1:24 The first thing we're going to need is going to be the name of the author. This is going to be whoever on your client's end is going to be taking credit for the backlink quote. 1:34 Make sure it's somebody who wants to be a star. Ideally, that person is also going to have a LinkedIn profile and a headshot. 1:42 This information isn't required by us, but it is required from the journalists. If you're missing these two pieces of information, more than 50% of your pitches, will not be looked at and will just be invalid from the get-go. 1:56 The reason being is that journalists want to quickly be able to take a look at the LinkedIn profile and verify that whoever your author name is actually does work for the company that they say they work for and has the experience they say they do. 2:10 When it comes to the headshot, do let your clients know that I have seen these used inside the actual journalist articles, so make sure it's one that they're okay with being out there in the public. 2:22 The final thing we ask you to do is fill out your backlink bio. We have a pretty good documents page on this that I'll link to at the end of this video if you want random help. 2:33 Otherwise, think of this bio almost like a resume or a case study for whoever it is who's going to be your main contact, that author name. 2:43 You want to include things here that aren't already included under the About Us section of your website. Anything is fair game here. 2:50 Just remember, anything you put is going to be fodder for the AI to use to send your pitches. What that means is you want things that are unique here. 3:00 Things like awards, achievements, any kind of credentials. Think of it like writing a resume that you're giving to the AI. 3:09 Anything you write here is going to be fair game and unique. And the AI is going to use it to make you sound like the best authority in your topic. 3:17 So go ahead and go crazy. There's no right or wrong answer, but if you do need help, let us know. 3:22 We're happy to take a look at it for you. The final thing when setting up your profile is going to be choosing your PR outreach topics. 3:32 We will suggest some topics for you, usually around 20 or so to start out. These are going to be based off of your website's URL and also the bio above. 3:42 If you'd like, you can go ahead and just keep the topics that we suggest. If you're more of a hands-on person, however, you can come in and edit these topics. 3:51 We do recommend keeping track keeping at least 12 to 13 topics, and if you can keep one high success rate topic, that would be great. 4:00 High success rate isn't just a saying. It actually means that we're getting in a ton of queries from journalists on that particular topic, and you're gonna have a really high chance of getting your pitch selected. 4:12 The more of those you have, the better. You might also find a gray box that says new category, no data yet. 4:19 Don't be afraid of those. You might have struck gold. That just means that we're not quite sure how many queries we get from it, but don't worry about adding it to your list. 4:28 Again, there's no right or wrong answer here, but the more topics you have, the more likely you are to get matched with a journalist, and the more opportunities we have to pitch on your behalf. 4:39 And that's it! From there, we take over for you, and we'll start sending your PR backlink pitches. Interested in how you can find out how well your pitches are doing? 4:50 Join me in video 2, and I'll show you all about how you can go into your job dashboard, review your pitches, and even leave the AI feedback. 4:59 Thanks for watching! Until next time.